Thursday, April 30, 2015

Bolts Beat Wings in Game Seven, move on to face Habs

What a year 2015 has been in sports for me already just four months in. So far in 2015 the following incredible wins have happened

1. Badgers win Outback bowl for first bowl win in 5 years
2. Packers win nailbiter in playoffs against Cowboys
3. Baders shock undefeated Kentucky
4. Bolts get huge comeback in game 4 down 2-0 with five minutes left
5. Bolts win game seven

But it has also given these gut wrenching losses
1. Packers collapse NFC Championship
2. Badgers lose national championship

Crazy year full of ups and downs so far. Last nights game was a perfect example of why I love sports and hockey. Crazy intensity, nail biting every second for 2.5 hours, I couldnt sit down and was screaming at the TV nonstop all night and was emotionally exhausted by the time it was all over. Its time to jump right into round 2 however, as the Bolts will head to Montreal to face the Canadiens tomorrow night. How do they matchup?

The Bolts got a little lucky as the Habs were up 3-0 in their first round series and had a chance to sweep. if they had succeeded they would be way more rested than Tampa. But Montreal struggled to close out their first round, losing two in a row and ended up taking six games to win so they are now not that much more rested.

Montreal is a one man show, but that one man is often enough to win. Carey Price is by far the best goaltender in the world, but this year the Lightning has been his kryptonite. in 70 games against teams not named the Lightning Carey Price allowed 2.10 goals per game. in 5 games against the Lightning he has given up 4.25 goals per game. That's a problem because Montreal has a weak offense so they need to win games 2-1 or even 1-0 sometimes. Of the 8 teams remaining in the playoffs Montreal is last in goals per game in the playoffs as they averaged just 2.00 goals per game in the 1st round.

Of the 8 teams remaining n the playoffs the Bolts are 7th in power play percentage as they were 2 for 30 in the 1st round or 6.7%. The only team worse? Montreal who went 1 for 20 or 5.0%.

This is a very weird series in that both teams have revenge on their mind, The Bolts looking for revenge for losing to the Habs in the playoffs last year, and the Habs looking for revenge for going 0-5 against the Bolts in the regular season. My biased prediction: Bolts in 4, my legitimate prediction: Bolts in 6.

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