Monday, October 19, 2015

NCAA Week Eight Picks

The college football season is over halfway over already, which gives me two questions.
1. Where does the time go? Every year my favorite time of the year just flies by and as it once again draws near to ending I wonder where all the time went.
2. Why dont we know more? The playoff picture is more muddy now than it was when the season started. Turns out Ole Miss isnt that good, and Utah is, maybe? Baylor and TCU are both offensive juggernauts that leave much to be desire on defense, will that be enough? Oklahoma is getting embarrassed by Texas one week and then shellacks a quality opponent 55-0 the next. Iowa is the most under the radar undefeated major conference team ever. Michigan St, Ohio St, and Florida St continue to underwhelm but are still undefeated. At the end of the day, in this mans humble opinion, there are two teams this year who have separated themselves with wins against quality opponents, as well as beating up on their weaker opponents without playing down to them: Clemson and LSU. It will be interesting to see how the rest of the season plays out.

I went a very poor 2-4 in the Big Ten last week, but a perfect 3-0 outside of it. now 12-9 outside Big Ten and 14-6 in the Big Ten

Northwestern @ Nebraska: Pick: Nebraska
Wisconsin @ Illinois: Pick:Wisconsin
Penn St @ Maryland: Pick: Penn St
Indiana @ Michigan St: Pick: Michigan St
Ohio St @ Rutgers: Pick: Ohio St

Outside the Big Ten: What an awful slate of games this week. 1 matchup between top 25 teams, what a snoozefest
Clemson @ Miami: Pick: Clemson
Texas A&M @ Ole Miss: Pick: Ole Miss
Utah @ USC: Pick: USC

Big Ten Standings: Iowa big win over Northwestern gives them a clear path to a division title, while Michigan States win over Michigan makes their game against Ohio St a de facto division title game.

1. Michigan St: 3-0
2. Ohio St: 3-0
3. Michigan: 2-1
4. Penn St: 2-1
5. Rutgers: 1-2
6. Maryland: 0-2
7. Indiana: 0-3

1. Iowa: 3-0
2. Wisconsin: 2-1
3. Illinois: 1-1
4. Northwestern: 1-2
5. Minnesota: 1-2
6. Nebraska: 1-2
7. Purdue: 0-3

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