Sunday, November 8, 2015

NCAA Week Eleven Picks

Holy cow what a week! The playoff picture really cleared up a bit this week as a lot of undefeated teams went down. TCU, LSU, Memphis, Michigan St, and Toledo all saw their perfect seasons shattered to pieces. Michigan St lost in a complete thriller. All those teams going down has opened the door for a lot of one loss teams to keep hopes alive, particularly Michigan, Oklahoma, Stanford and Utah were all teams who may have thought they were out of it but now all of a sudden have some life. (Other one loss teams such as Notre Dame, Florida, and Alabama were always very much in the race.) The question is can any of the teams who just lost their first game crawl back into the picture? TCU and Michigan St still have a legitimate shot at a conference title but it may be lights out for LSU who now have to hope for a team to upset Bama to have a shot, not likely. Losses by Ole Miss and Florida St have totally eliminated those teams from the conversation. What a week it was. I went 6-1 in Big Ten games and 1-2 outside it. 28-9 now in the Big Ten, 18-12 outside it.

Big Ten Picks
Ohio St @ Illinois: Pick: Ohio St
Maryland @ Michigan St: Pick: Michigan St
Purdue @ Northwestern: Pick: Northwestern
Nebraska @ Rutgers: Pick: Nebraska
Michigan @ Indiana: Pick: Michigan
Minnesota @ Iowa: Pick: Iowa

Outside the Big Ten: Unfortunately after a fantastic week, there's only a couple of really appetizing games this week
Oklahoma @ Baylor: Pick: Baylor
Alabama @ Mississippi St: Pick: Alabama
Memphis @ Houston: Pick: Houston

Big Ten Standings
Iowa continues their undefeated march, the Badgers stay alive hoping for Iowa to drop 2 of their last 3. Even with the loss Michigan St still controls their destiny for a division title and remain on a collision course with Ohio St, but this has creaked the door back open for Michigan. Now if Ohio St beats Michigan St the Michigan-Ohio St game becomes a division title game.

1. Ohio St: 5-0
2. Michigan St: 4-1
3. Michigan: 4-1
4. Penn St: 4-2
5. Rutgers: 1-5
6. Indiana: 0-5
7. Maryland: 0-5

1. Iowa: 5-0
2. Wisconsin: 5-1
3. Northwestern: 3-2
4. Illinois: 2-3
5. Nebraska: 2-4
6. Minnesota: 1-4
7. Purdue: 1-4

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