Friday, January 3, 2020

Top 60 Sports Games of the Decade: #59

August 1st 2013: Red Sox Vs Mariners

The entire 2013 Red Sox season was basically a fever dream. Six years later and it still stands as by far my favorite sports team of all time. After back to back disastrous seasons expectations were very low for the 2013 Red Sox. What ensued was a wild six month ride that included thrilling wins almost every night and a ragtag bunch of incredibly fun and likable players who were clearly enjoying every minute of it as much as the fans. The 2013 Red Sox will have six appearances on this list, moreso than any other single team.

First up is August 1st. Baseball fans will tell you when the calendar flips from July to August is when the season gets serious. On August 1st the Sox were deadlocked with the Tampa Bay Rays for first place in the division, so it looked like it could be a fun, tight, down to the wire race. On August 1st, the Sox were heading for certain defeat to start the month. Trailing 7-2 heading to the bottom of the ninth, a loss seemed inevitable. Then a hit, another hit, and the hits just kept coming until eventually the Sox finished off an incredible comeback to win 8-7.

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