Thursday, October 31, 2013

World Series Champions!

June 7th 2004, October 28th 2007, February 6th 2011, and now October 30th 2013. The four days in my life where I witnessed one of my sports teams win a championship. This is the first one of my teams to win two for me in my lifetime, though technically the Packers have I dont count that because I was to young to remember the first one.

This one feels much different than in 2007 to me. After the Sox win it in 2007, I had been convinced my many experts and other fans that the Sox were on the verge of a dynasty, and were poised to win four or five championships in a short span. So I took the one in 2007 for granted, assuming Id be celebrating many more soon. Of course, that never happened, and five years later the team hit rock bottom with a last place finish. In 2007, from opening day I knew they were the best team in the league and figured they'd win it all. Even when they were down in the ALCS 3-1 to Cleveland, I knew they were going to come back and win, I was so sure of it I didnt stress at all, and I was right. This year I never really even entertained the idea of this team winning a championship until late August/early September. Until that point it was just a fun season, but I didnt think they were good enough to take it all the way. heres an article from the Red Sox main beat writer back in February, basically telling Sox fans to prepare for a long season.

After they lost game 1 to Detroit, and fell behind 5-0 in game two, I resigned myself to their season basically being over. Then they came back with a vengeance. After they lost game 3 to the Cardinals in heartbreaking fashion, I again resigned myself to the fact they will probably fall just short. I went to sleep Saturday depressed, but woke up Sunday rejuvenated, and though to myself "no more losses, starting tonight we take three in a row." Unlike in 2007, when I knew they'd come back because they were simply the better team, this time I came to believe they would come back simply because this was the most damn resilient sports team Ive ever seen in my life. Countless times this season when they were down they came punching back with a vengeance, it was mind boggling how often it happened.

I thought to myself today how going into 2013, this was the first season for Red Sox fans in probably 15 years where there wasn't a "championship or bust" mentality going into the season. For that reason alone there will simply never be a season ever like this for Red Sox fans again. Now that the trophy is back in Boston, that championship or bust mentality will return next year, and wont go away for a long time. There will be no more lovable underdogs, the band of resilient bearded misfits who came together as one and defied the odds. 2013 was the Impossible dream II, only this time, unlike in 1967, the dream came true.

PS: After reading that article I read through the comments page, here are some notably hilarious ones

 Regardless of what one might think of the author; he is right. The Sox are going to suck big time. They have a mediocre lineup and a bad starting rotation. A decent bullpen will help. But won't make it to the playoffs. Just look at who they are putting in the field. It stinks. A bunch of has beens and a couple of would be fire plugs. Get ready to be dissapointed this season. Big time.

 The reality is that you can't win the World Series every year. Let's face the facts: It is a rebuilding, or bridge year. Get over it.

 as presently constructed, it’s not impossible to imagine the team competing for a wild card into August. Are they a championship team? No. No, no, no. But they’re okay. And there’s a plan in place to be one by 2015.

 the Sox will have to work their asses off to avoid a second-straight last-place finish.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

NFL Week 9 Picks

I went a much better 11-2 last week to put me at 77-43 on the season.

Bengals @ Dolphins: Pick: Dolphins
Chiefs @ Bills: Pick: Bills
Vikings @ Cowboys: Pick: Cowboys
Titans @ Rams: Pick: Rams
Saints @ Jets: Pick: Saints
Chargers @ Redskins: Pick: Redskins
Falcons @ Panthers: Pick: Falcons
Eagles @ Raiders: Pick: Raiders
Buccaneers @ Seahawks: Pick: Seahawks
Ravens @ Browns: Pick: Ravens
Steelers @ Patriots: Pick: Patriots
Colts @ Texans: Pick: Colts
Bears @ Packers: Pick: Packers

Survivor Pick
Teams Used: Colts, Patriots, Seahawks, Titans, Rams, 49ers, Falcons, Chiefs
Only 24 possible picks remain, and this is the first week we are really entering uncomfortable territory for me. Almost halfway through the year and I still have the Packers and Broncos up for grabs, thought the Broncos have a bye.  I strongly considered taking the Packers this week, but they have a couple games in the future I would like to use them for. There was really only one other game I feel good about this week so Im taking that one, here it is
Pick: Cowboys

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A euology/ some rabling thoughts on the 2013 Red Sox Season

Well, here we are, one win away from the unthinkable, the Red Sox winning the World series. I always try not to be a prisoner of the moment, which is why I have been hesitant to call this years Red Sox team my favorite sports team of all time, but I can no longer deny the simple fact that it is.

I have compared this team to the 2007 Packers and 2011 Lightning as my favorite sports teams of all time. While those two teams will always have a special place close to my heart, this years Red Sox surpass them in that I feel an emotional connection to this team that I have never felt with one of my sports teams before. There are several reasons for this, and I am not sure mere words can really express the emotional connection I feel to this time, but I will try.

For starters, I have never put in more time following a sports team than I have with this years Red Sox. I would estimate I have spent about 1,000 hours over the past 6 months watching games plus pre and post game shows. Every day at work or school or home all day I would think about that nights Red Sox game. Whenever the end of my work day was close to the beginning of the Red Sox game, I would run home and turn it on the second I got home. It was such an exciting team to watch that every single day I was eagerly anticipating that days game as soon as I woke up.

Back in March, I brought a notebook, the goal to record the box score of every single Red Sox game this season. Six Months later and I have all 162 box scores plus all 15 playoff box scores in that notebook. This special special season will forever be immortalized in that notebook, and I am so glad I decided to do this.

I still remember sitting down to watch this team on opening day. Considering the team went 69-93 last year, and literally not one single person had picked them to make the playoffs, my excitement for this season was rather low. The team turned in a high energy 7-2 win on opening day, highlighed by none other than Jonny Gomes, the teams energetic sparkplug, scoring on an infield single from second base. I remember telling my dad later that night "The Red Sox looked like a damn good team today." to which he replied "Its just one game." I knew that of course, but I just had a feeling after that opening day that this team might actually be pretty good, of course I was right.

Of course there was the Boston Marathon bombings in Mid April, and its pretty safe to say no other team has been as inspired by a city tragedy than this years Boston Red Sox. Thats where a lot of the emotional connection comes from, is watching this team realize they are peoples coping mechanism from this tragedy, and accepting that role the way they have. Heres a great video that illustrates that

Of course there was all the heartstopping moments the Red Sox put out this year, the "Cardiac Sox" as they came to be called. 11 walk off wins, a franchise record. Twice they overcame 5 run deficits in the ninth inning. Mike Carps ninth inning grand slam against the Rays in September. All the amazing moments in a single season that I will never forget. It's hard for me to pinpoint an exact moment when I started to believe this team could win a world series. Up until about the end of June I was just enjoying the ride, but never even expected the team to make the playoffs. Around early July, I started to believe this team was playoff worthy, but I dont think I began to think World Series until around late August, when the Sox took 2 of 3 from Los Angeles. Heres a video of all 11 Red Sox walk off wins this season

This has been such a magical season, I cant even describe how much joy and excitement this team has provided me this season. I want them to win it all so bad, and if they finally pull it off I think I will explode. Ive never had more fun following a sports team than I have this year with the Red Sox.

I never want this season to end, but if it has to, Id rather it be tomorrow. 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

NCAA Week 10 picks

I went 2-2 in picking big ten games this week, 3-0 outside it.
Year to date:
15-5 Big Ten
20-7 Outside Big Ten

Illinois @ Penn St: Pick: Penn St
Wisconsin @ Iowa: Pick: Wisconsin
Ohio St @ Purdue: Pick: Ohio St
Minnesota @ Indiana: Pick: Indiana
Michigan @ Michigan St: Pick: Michigan st
Northwestern @ Nebraska: Pick: Nebraska

Outside the Big Ten
Miami @ Florida St: Pick: Florida St
Oklahoma St @ Texas Tech: Pick: Oklahoma St
USC @ Oregon St: Pick: Oregon St

Big Ten Standings: Well my preseason Big Ten championship is looking like it will be half right, half disastrous. Northwestern drops to 0-4 and may end up last in the legends, not looking like a good pick from me. Meanwhile wins by Iowa and Minnesota means they both continue to stick around for another week. really though, theres a very strong chance the Legends division will be decided by this week Michigan/Michigan St game, although even with a Michigan win, the Spartans would still be very alive. For Michigan though, its a must win.

Leaders Division
1. Ohio St: 4-0
2. Wisconsin: 3-1
3. Indiana: 1-2
4. Illinois: 0-3
5. Purdue: 0-3

Legends Division
1. Michigan St: 4-0
2. Michigan: 2-1
3. Nebraska: 2-1
4. Iowa: 2-2
5. Minnesota: 2-2
6. Northwestern: 0-4

SEC Standings: South Carolina kept it a race with an upset over Missouri, a win for the Tigers would have been the nail in the coffin, but the cocks win keeps them alive, also Florida and Georgia stay alive with a very outside chance. Alabama remains in control of the West, but its looking possible the division will squarely come down to the Iron Bowl, don't rule Auburn out.  Unlike the Big Ten where every team is still mathematically alive, four of the 14 SEC teams have been officially eliminated from the race.

1. Missouri: 3-1
2. South Carolina: 4-2
3. Florida: 3-2
4. Georgia: 3-2
5. Tennessee: 1-3
6.  Vanderbilt: 1-4 E
7. Kentucky: 0-4 E

1. Alabama: 5-0
2. Auburn: 3-1
3. LSU: 3-2
4. Texas A&M: 3-2
5. Ole Miss: 2-3 E
6. Mississippi St: 1-2
7. Arkansas: 0-4 E

Monday, October 21, 2013

NFL Week 8 Picks

I went a mediocre 8-7 picking games this week, standings at 66-41 on the season.

Panthers @ Buccaneers: Pick: Panthers
Packers @ Vikings: Pick: Packers
Cowboys @ Lions: Pick: Cowboys
Browns @ Chiefs: Pick: Chiefs
Dolphins @ Patriots: Pick: Patriots
Bills @ Saints: Pick: Saints
Giants @ Eagles: Pick: Eagles
49ers @ Jaguars: Pick: 49ers
Jets @ Bengals: Pick: Bengals
Steelers @ Raiders: Pick: Raiders
Redskins @ Broncos: Pick: Broncos
Falcons @ Cardinals: Pick: Cardinals
Seahawks @ Rams: Pick: Seahawks

Survivor Pick
Teams Used: Colts, Patriots, Seahawks, Titans, Rams, 49ers, Falcons
One pick away from making it into November with survivor this year after losing it in September last year. I still have the Saints, Broncos, Packers and Chiefs as feather in my caps, will I take any of them this week? This week was a tough one to decide on for me. The Bengals are enticing, but you never know with the Jets. I was going to take the Saints, but in the end decided to continue to save them, same for Denver. Give me the Chiefs for 8-0, which means Im officially off the Browns playoff bandwagon I was on a couple weeks ago
Pick: Chiefs

Sunday, October 20, 2013

NCAA Week Nine Picks

I went 4-1 in picking Big ten games last week, sitting at 13-3 this season. 1-2 outside the Big ten putting me at 17-7 outside it

Nebraska @ Minnesota: Pick: Nebraska
Northwestern @ Iowa: Pick: Northwestern
Michigan St @ Illinois: Pick: Michigan St
Penn St @ Ohio St: Pick: Ohio St

Outside the Big Ten
South Carolina @ Missouri: Pick: South Carolina
Stanford @ Oregon St: Pick: Stanford
Texas Tech @ Oklahoma: Pick: Oklahoma

Big Ten Standings
Another win for Ohio St, one step closer to to clinching a Big Ten title berth. The Badgers are the only team nipping at their heels, the other 3 teams have bowed out, though none of them are officially eliminated yet. In the Legends division, the race is as confusing as ever. Is Michigan a contender? Are minnesota or Iowa going to make noise in the race? Both teams will have to win this weekend to stay afloat in the race. Iowa already loses a tiebreaker to Michigan st so it appears unlikely. Is Michigan st really that good? The only sure thing is that after this weekend, Northwestern has bowed out of the race, unfortunate because I thought they would win it this year.

Leaders Division
1. Ohio St: 3-0
2. Wisconsin: 3-1
3. Indiana: 1-2
4. Illinois: 0-2
5. Purdue: 0-3

Legends Division
1. Michigan St: 3-0
2.  Nebraska: 2-0
3. Michigan: 2-1
4. Iowa: 1-2
5. Minnesota: 1-2
6. Northwestern: 0-3

SEC Standings: At this point the it appears a foregone conclusion. Missouri has a 2 game lead over anyone else in the east. Who would have thought Missouri would win this division at all, let alone be a near lock by middle October. Alabama is obviously the favorite in the west, and with LSU suffering a second loss, it appears they have bowed out. Now only Auburn can stand in their way it seems. Arkansas is the first team to be officially eliminated from the race.

1. Alabama: 4-0
2. Auburn: 3-1
3. LSU: 3-2
4. Texas A&M: 2-2
5. Ole Miss: 2-3
6. Mississippi St: 0-2

1. Missouri: 3-0
2. South Carolina: 3-2
3. Florida: 3-2
4. Georgia: 3-2
5. Tennessee: 1-2
6. Vanderbilt: 1-3
7. Kentucky: 0-3

AAC Standings: A big win for UCF over Louisville has them in the drivers seat to win the AAC!
1. UCF: 2-0
2. Houston: 2-0
3. South Florida: 2-0
4. Louisville: 2-1
5. Cinncinatti: 2-1
6. Rutgers: 1-1
7. SMU: 1-1
8. Uconn: 0-2
9. Memphis: 0-3
10. Temple: 3-0
7. Arkansas: 0-4

Just a fun note

The three most improbable and magical seasons in Red Sox history are 1967, 2004, and 2013. They all ended in World Series match ups Versus the Cardinals.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Big Papis Home run

Two days later and its starting to set in that what I witnessed Sunday was one of the greatest moments of my sports life.

Monday, October 14, 2013

NFL Week 7 Picks

I went 10-5 in picking games in week 6, putting me at 58-34 on the season.

Seahawks @ Cardinals: Pick: Cardinals
Browns @ Packers: Pick: Packers
Buccaneers @ Falcons: Pick: Falcons
Bengals @ Lions: Pick: Bengals
Bills @ Dolphins: Pick: Dolphins
Patriots @ Jets: Pick: Patriots
Cowboys @ Eagles: Pick: Eagles
Bears @ Redskins: Pick: Redskins
Rams @ Panthers: Pick: Panthers
Chargers @ Jaguars: Pick: Chargers
49ers @ Titans: Pick: 49ers
Texans @ Chiefs: Pick: Texans
Ravens @ Steelers: Pick: Ravens
Broncos @ Colts: Pick: Broncos
Vikings @ Giants: Pick: Giants

Survivor Pick
Teams Used: Colts, Patriots, Seahawks, Titans, Rams, 49ers
After losing the survivor pool in week two last year, Ive managed to survive through six week so far this season. It was a toss up this week for me between the Packers and Falcons. Looking at the future schedule the Falcons don't have any games left this season after this week where I would feel comfortable taking them, but the Packers do in home games with Philly, Minnesota, and Pittsburgh. So I'll save the Packers for now and say for this week
Pick: Falcons
Taking a 1-4 team here, but they are better than there record, due for a win, at home, coming off a bye, and playing a complete dumpster fire of a team. Take all that into account, they are the lock for the week.

the 2013 Red Sox Season has crossed into the Surreal

My favorite Sports teams of all time are the 2007 Packers and the 2011 Lightning. The 2013 Red Sox have crossed into that pantheon of my favorite teams of all time. Neither of those first 2 teams won championships, and its entirely possible this Red Sox team won't either, so why do those teams beat out teams that did win Championships, the 2007 Red Sox, 2004 Lightning and 2010 Packers? Because none of those teams were expected to do anything, and proved everyone wrong. Theres nothing more enjoyable in sports than watching one of your teams get picked to finish near the bottom of the league in the preseason, then end up making a run at a championship. Maybe Im at an emotional high because of tonight's result, but this Red Sox team may be my favorite sports team of all time. And tonights game may have been the best sports game Ive ever gone through.

After last night's dismal performance, one hit in a 1-0 loss, tonights game was a must win. Unfortunately, through 7 innings, the offense continued to be dead silent. To make matters worse, the Tigers bats woke up, and heading to the bottom of the 8th Detroit had a 5-1 lead. Fenway was silent, stunned, depressed. I was silent, stunned, depressed. Heading to the bottom of the eighth I played "Dont Stop Believing" grabbed my rally towel, put on my rally hat, and basically said to myself that this Red Sox team has given me so much happiness this year that I was going to cheer for these last two innings even if it seemed hopeless. After a walk and two singles the Red Sox had the bases loaded, but two strikeouts were mixed in, so there were two outs. To the plate steps Big Papi, who else? Mr Red Sox, Mr Clutch, Mr October heroics. On the first pitch of the at bat Ortiz laced a line drive to right field, barely over the glove of Torri Hunter into the stands. Grand slam. Tie game. I'm jumping up and down screaming like a little kid at midnight. probably woke some neighbors. definitely woke my dad. The Red Sox back from the dead. The game headed to the ninth tied, where in the bottom of the inning, Jonny Gomes reached on an infield single, then got to second on an error, and to third on a wild pitch. Then Jarrod Saltalamacchia barely got a ball through the infield for a base hit. Game over. Red Sox win. Series tied 1-1, season still alive. IF the Red Sox go onto win the World Series this will be the most incredible sports game of my life. Even if they don't I will still always remember it fondly. This team is incredible. I wasn't ready for this incredible journey of a season to end, and apparently neither were the Red Sox. I don't know if the Red Sox will go on to win the World Series, or even win this series, but there's one thing I do know. Do not count this team out until the last out is made against them, ever. 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

NCAA Week 8 picks

I went 3-1 in Big ten play, and 2-1 outside big ten play last week. This season I am 9-2 in Big Ten Play and 16-5 outside it.

Minnesota @ Northwestern: Pick: Northwestern
Purdue @ Michigan St: Pick: Michigan St
Indiana @ Michigan: Pick: Michigan
Iowa @ Ohio St: Pick: Ohio St
Wisconsin @ Illinois: Pick: Wisconsin

Outside the Big Ten
Florida St @ Clemson: Pick: Clemson
UCLA @ Stanford: Pick: Stanford
Florida @ Missouri: Pick: Florida

Big Ten Standings: Ohio St had the week off, but the Badgers win keeps a little pressure on them. Again, in order for the Badgers to make the Big ten championship they have to finish 5-0 and have ohio st lose twice. Otherwise its the Buckeyes. The Legends Division however, is wide open. Michigan is not going to take this thing going away like some thought, Nebraska has its flaws, and Northwestern already has two losses, but could get back in it still. Michigan St has made its claim as a contender and even Iowa isnt buried yet. Only Minnesota has pretty much been written off so far.

Leaders Division:
1. Ohio St: 2-0
2. Wisconsin: 2-1
3. Indiana: 1-1
4. Illinois: 0-1
5. Purdue: 0-2

Leaders Division
1.Michigan St: 2-0
2. Nebraska: 2-0
3. Michigan: 1-1
4. Iowa: 1-1
5. Northwestern: 0-2
6. Minnesota: 0-2

SEC Standings: Missouri's win over Georgia has paved the way for a wild SEC East race. Missouri and Florida this Saturday could be an elimination game, with the loser bowing out of what is right now a four team race. The west is still paved for Alabama, but for right now its a three team race, with Auburn and LSU in it also. A likely Auburn loss Saturday will make it a two team race between LSU and Alabama with their head to head match-up likely the deciding factor.

1. Missouri: 2-0
2. South Carolina: 3-1
3. Georgia: 3-1
4. Florida: 3-1
5. Tennessee: 0-2
6. Kentucky: 0-3
7. Vanderbilt: 0-3

1. Alabama: 3-0
2. LSU: 3-1
3. Auburn: 2-1
4. Texas A&M: 2-1
5. Ole Miss: 1-3
6. Mississippi St: 0-2
7. Arkansas: 0-3

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

NFL Week 6 picks

I went 10-4 in week five, putting me at 48-29 on the season so far

Giants @ Bears: Pick: Giants
Packers @ Ravens: Pick: Packers
Bengals @ Bills: Pick: Bengals
Lions @ Browns: Pick: Browns
Raiders @ Chiefs: Pick: Chiefs
Panthers @ Vikings: Pick: Vikings
Steelers @ Jets: Pick: Steelers
Eagles @ Buccaneers: Pick: Eagles
Rams @ Texans: Pick: Texans
Jaguars @ Broncos: Pick: Broncos
Titans @ Seahawks: Pick: Seahawks
Saints @ Patriots: Pick: Patriots
Cardinals @ 49ers: Pick: 49ers
Redskins @ Cowboys: Pick: Cowboys
Colts @ Chargers: Pick: Colts

Survivor Pick
Teams Used: Colts, Patriots, Seahawks, Titans, Rams
Another solid pick last week going against the grain and taking the Rams. The Broncos are the obvious choice this week, but I am going to continue to save them for later in the season. I considered taking the Chiefs, but I still don't fully trust them. So for this week
Pick: 49ers

Sunday, October 6, 2013

NCAA Week 7 picks

I went 5-0 in Big ten play, and 3-0 outside it this week, giving me a 6-1 Big ten record and 14-4 outside big ten record.

Indiana @ Michigan St: Pick: Michigan St
Nebraska @ Purdue: Pick: Nebraska
Northwestern @ Wisconsin: Pick: Wisconsin
Michigan @ Penn St: Pick: Michigan

Outside the Big Ten
Oregon @ Washington: Pick: Oregon
Florida @ LSU: Pick: LSU
Oklahoma @ Texas: Pick: Oklahoma

Big Ten Standings: The legends division is still wide open, but the Ohio St victory over Northwestern will make it very difficult for any other team to overcome in the leaders division. For the Badgers to have any chance to make the Big ten championship game at this point they will have to run the table, have Michigan beat Ohio St, and one other team pull off a huge upset over the Buckeyes as well. Not holding my breath.  Northwestern sits at #5 in the legends this week, but I fully expect them to climb the ladder and make a run at winning that division.

Leaders Division
1. Ohio St: 2-0
2. Indiana: 1-0
3. Wisconsin: 1-1
4. Illinois: 0-1
5. Purdue: 0-1

Legends Division
1. Michigan: 1-0
2. Nebraska: 1-0
3. Michigan St: 1-0
4. Iowa: 1-1
5. Northwestern: 0-1
6. Minnesota: 0-2

Just for fun, we'll keep track of the SEC standings as well

1. Alabama: 2-0
2. LSU: 2-1
3. Auburn: 2-1
4. Texas A&M: 1-1
5. Ole Miss: 1-2
6. Arkansas: 0-2
7. Mississippi St: 0-2

1. Georgia: 3-0
2. Florida: 3-0
3. Missouri: 1-0
4. South Carolina: 2-1
5. Tennessee: 0-2
6. Kentucky: 0-2
7. Vanderbilt: 0-3