Friday, September 14, 2012

Packers D throttles Jay Cutler, win 23-10

You could almost feel the tension among Packer fans heading into Lambeau Field yesterday. It was almost like a somber and quiet atmosphere like one I had never seen before during a Packer tailgate, usually festive and upbeat. Everyone knew this was basically a must win. Maybe not in the long term, but if the Packers lost this game theyd definitely lose their title at least temporarily as the beasts of the division.

The defense would have none of that. Forcing seven sacks, four interceptions, and basically mauling Jay cutler and turning his night into a personal hell, much to the delight of the Lambeau faithful.

This was the first time in forever that the defense won the Packers a game. It didnt happen a single time last year, so it really has been a very long time. Honestly, this is the sort of game I was craving. Some people are panicking over the offense kind of sputtering again and I couldnt care less. I know the offense will come around at some point, I would have much rather seen a game like we saw yesterday than the 45-38, 42-34, 35-26, 45-41 games we saw last year. This was so refreshing to watch, and if the defense really is as good as it was yesterday, this team will no doubt be holding the Lombardi trophy in February.

There is no reason to be worried about the offense. So far this year the offense has put up 15.5 points per game, which is obviously not at all good, but like I said earlier they will come around, maybe next Monday night at Seattle will be the night it will, maybe not, but it will at some point this season, and it will be sooner rather than later dont worry. The defense needed to be the unit that won this game for the Packers, and they stepped up to the challenge. Bravo

I have a confession to make. I hate Jay Cutler. I know Im not alone in that camp, but I just can not stand his pouty face, standoffish personality. So to have Lambeau Field be his house of horrors is very satisfying to me. he now 0-3 with 2 touchdowns and 10 interceptions in his career at Lambeau. To be a part of the crowd that got into his head last night was also very satisying. To see our our defense toss him around like a rag doll was one of the most satisfying things I have ever witnessed. It was awesome.

Jay Cutler, Brandon Marshall, and the Bears fans were talking crap all week. Their heads got way to big after defeating the mighty colts, and you could tell the Bears were getting pretty full of themselves. Reality Check: Until further notice, you are still the Packers bitch.

So far this recap has been a jumble of thoughts, but now to actually dissect parts of the game. How about the stones on Mccarthy to call that fake field goal? The second I realized it was a fake, I screamed "what!?" I mean, does he not realize its 4th and 26! Dont click that link, just dont. Then I saw a massive hole in front of Crabtree, almost like there wasnt a single Bear on the field. Obviously the turning point of the game.

Tramon Williams was all over Brandon Marshall like a blanket the whole game. He was a big reason for the Packers drop off in defense last season, but it appears he has returned to pro bowl form. Thats great news for Packers fans.

Jarrett Bush didnt play a single snap on defense for the first time in two years, and the Packers had their best defensive performance in two years. Coincidence?

Once again I have to take issue with Mccarthys clock management at the end of the first half. Instead of letting the clock run down to two seconds and kick a field goal, why not call it with ten and take one shot at the endzone from just seventeen yards away? My one gripe with Mccarthy for seven years now has been his clock management in the final two minutes of first halves. Hes 0 for 2 already this year in that department in my opinion.

Why is this team having such a hard time converting third and ones? Two pathetic attempts last night, both falling short. Maybe the deep pass to Nelson wasnt such an awful call after all, since this team cant run for that yard anyway.

Despite the above complaint, the running game was solid, Benson had 81 yards, and had more carries yesterday than any Packers RB had in any single game last year.

The Claymaker is back baby. Already as many sacks in two games this year than all of last year.

Lambeau went absolutley nuts seeing Donald Driver get a touchdown reception. And the crowd ate up his little dance he did. They had to have replayed that dance on the video boards at least ten times.

My one dud yesterday was DJ Smith. He was called for a PI, should have been called for another, and was terrible in coverage on the Bears lone touchdown.

The drops keep adding up for the receiver corps. I counted two for Nelson, a couple more from Finley, one from Cobb, and at least one from Jones. People keep asking whats wrong with Rodgers, but he still has a 90+ QB rating through two games this year. Thats well above the league average, and if his receivers could catch the way they should, hed be over 100. I think we're just to spoiled by his usualy amazingness, that we say he had a "bad" game when its still well above average compared to other NFL Qbs.

MVP: Making up the rules as I go, on losses I will give one MVP out, who will be awarded a point, on wins I will also give one MVP, for a point, then several players can receive half points, basically honorable mentions. The MVP of this game was definitely Clay Matthews. 3.5 sacks, all over Cutler the whole game, and the Bears got so desperate they resorted to holding him every play (which went uncalled every time, moron replacement refs.) half points go to Tramon Williams, with two picks, Mason Crosby, 3/3 field goals, including a 54 yarder, the longest ever by a Packer kicker at Lambeau. Another half point goes to Tim Masthay. Masthay gets a half point for his punting services alone, tack on a touchdown pass, and its really a no brainer. Ill also toss in a half point for John Kuhn, for making some really good blocks on running plays, but mostly for his kick ass tackle on Devin Hester. The standings through two games are as follows

Cobb: 1 point
Matthews: 1 point
Masthay: 0.5 points
Crosby: 0.5 points
Williams: 0.5 points
Kuhn: 0.5 points

Up Next: The Packers head west to take on the Seahawks on Monday Night football

you clicked on that link didnt you? Well heres something to put you back in a happy mood

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